CMD commands

systemreset --factoryreset

The CMD command systemreset --factoryreset is used to factory reset your Windows 11 computer. This will restore your computer to its factory default settings, which means that all of your personal files, apps, and settings will be deleted.

del /q /f /s %temp% \*

The CMD command del /q /f /s %temp%\* is used to delete all of the files and folders in the Temp folder on your Windows computer. This includes hidden files and folders.

The following are the options used in the command:

  • /q: This option tells CMD to delete the files and folders quietly, without prompting for confirmation.
  • /f: This option tells CMD to force the deletion of read-only files.
  • /s: This option tells CMD to delete all of the files and folders in the Temp folder, including subfolders.
  • %temp%: This is an environment variable that points to the Temp folder on your computer.

The CMD command nslookup is a network utility used to query DNS servers for information about domain names and IP addresses. It can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Looking up the IP address of a domain name
  • Looking up the domain name of an IP address
  • Troubleshooting DNS problems
  • Testing the connectivity of DNS servers

To use the nslookup command, open a command prompt window. To do this, press Windows+R, type cmd, and then press Enter.

Once you have opened a command prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

nslookup [domain name or IP address]

For example, to look up the IP address of the domain name, you would type the following command:

attrib +h +s +r name of the folder

The CMD command attrib +h +s +r name of the folder is used to set the hidden, system, and read-only attributes of a folder. This will make the folder hidden from view and prevent it from being changed or deleted.

attrib -h -s -r name of the folder

The CMD command attrib -h -s -r name of the folder is used to remove the hidden, system, and read-only attributes of a folder. This will make the folder visible and allow it to be changed or deleted.


The CMD command wmic is used to access Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). WMI is a set of APIs that allow you to manage Windows systems remotely.

You can use the wmic command to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Get information about the system, such as the operating system version, hardware configuration, and software installed.
  • Manage system processes, such as starting, stopping, and killing processes.
  • Manage system services, such as starting, stopping, and pausing services.
  • Manage system events, such as viewing and deleting events.
  • Manage system accounts, such as creating, modifying, and deleting accounts.
  • Manage system network settings, such as configuring IP addresses and DNS servers.

The CMD command driverquery is used to display a list of installed device drivers and their properties. This can be useful for troubleshooting driver problems or for identifying outdated or missing drivers.

The output of the driverquery command includes the following information:

  • Driver name
  • Driver version
  • Driver provider
  • Driver state (e.g., running, stopped, disabled)
  • Driver date
  • Driver file path

The CMD command systeminfo is used to display detailed information about the system, including the following:

  • Hardware configuration, such as the CPU, memory, and storage devices
  • Operating system version and build number
  • Installed software
  • Network configuration
  • BIOS version
  • System uptime
help color
color a

The CMD command help color displays information about the color command in Windows. The color command is used to change the foreground and background colors in the Command Prompt window.

COLOR [attr]

attr – Specifies the color attribute of console output. First corresponds to the background. Second corresponds to the foreground.

0 = Black, 4 = Red, 5 = Purple, 6 = Yellow, 7 = White, 8 = Gray, C = Light Red, D = Light Purple, E = Light Yellow, F = Bright White



The CMD command tree displays a directory tree of the current directory or a specified directory. It is a recursive command, meaning that it will display all of the subdirectories and their contents.

tree C:\Windows

You can also use the tree command to display additional information about the directory tree. To do this, use the following syntax:

tree [/F] [/A] [/L]
  • /F: Displays the names of the files in each directory.
  • /A: Displays all directories, even hidden directories.
  • /L: Displays the directory tree in a list format.

For example, to display a directory tree of the current directory with the names of the files in each directory, you would type the following command:

tree /F
| clip

The CMD command | clip is used to redirect the output of a command to the Windows clipboard. This can be useful for copying text from the Command Prompt window to another application, such as a word processor or email client.

To use the | clip command, simply type it after the command that you want to redirect the output of. For example, to copy the output of the ipconfig command to the clipboard, you would type the following command:

ipconfig | clip

Once you have run the command, the output will be copied to the clipboard and you can paste it into another application by pressing Ctrl+V.

You can also use the | clip command to redirect the output of a multiple commands to the clipboard. To do this, simply type the commands one after the other, separated by a pipe (|) character. For example, to copy the output of the ipconfig and systeminfo commands to the clipboard, you would type the following command:

ipconfig | systeminfo | clip

The | clip command is a useful tool for copying text from the Command Prompt window to another application. It can be used to save time and to avoid having to type text manually.

arp -a

The CMD command arp -a displays the contents of the ARP table. The ARP table is a data structure that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. It is used by devices on a network to communicate with each other.

The output of the arp -a command includes the following information:

  • IP address
  • MAC address
  • Type (e.g., dynamic, static)
  • Age (seconds)
  • Monitoring the ARP table for security threats: You can use the arp -a command to monitor the ARP table for security threats, such as ARP spoofing attacks. If you see any devices in the ARP table that you do not recognize, you should investigate further.

The ARP table (Address Resolution Protocol table) is a data structure that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. It is used by devices on a network to communicate with each other.

When a device needs to send data to another device on the same network, it needs to know the MAC address of the other device. The ARP table is used to resolve the IP address of the other device to its MAC address.

If the device does not have the MAC address of the other device in its ARP table, it will send out an ARP request broadcast. All devices on the network will receive this request, but only the device with the specified IP address will respond. The responding device will send its MAC address back to the requesting device.

The requesting device will then add the IP address and MAC address to its ARP table. This will allow the device to quickly resolve the IP address of the other device to its MAC address in the future.

The ARP table is typically stored in the RAM of the device. It is updated dynamically as devices are added and removed from the network, and as devices move around the network.

The ARP table can be useful for troubleshooting network problems. For example, if you are having trouble pinging a device on the network, you can check the ARP table to see if the device’s IP address is mapped to a MAC address. If it is not, you may have a problem with your ARP table or with the network itself.

netstat -AN

The CMD command netstat -AN displays a list of all active TCP and UDP connections, including listening ports. It also displays the state of each connection (e.g., ESTABLISHED, LISTENING, TIME_WAIT).

The netstat -AN command is a useful tool for troubleshooting network problems and for learning more about the network activity on your computer.

Here are some examples of how you can use the netstat -AN command:

  • Troubleshooting network problems: If you are having trouble connecting to a website or service, you can use the netstat -AN command to see if there are any active connections to the website or service. If there are no active connections, you may have a problem with your network connection or with the website or service itself.
  • Identifying malicious connections: You can use the netstat -AN command to identify malicious connections, such as connections to known malware domains. If you see any connections to domains that you do not recognize, you should investigate further.
  • Monitoring network traffic: You can use the netstat -AN command to monitor network traffic and identify applications that are using a lot of bandwidth. This can be useful for troubleshooting network performance problems or for identifying applications that are using unauthorized bandwidth.

The CMD command cleanmgr is a utility that can be used to clean up unnecessary files on your computer’s hard drive. This can free up disk space and improve the performance of your computer.

The cleanmgr command can be used to delete a variety of unnecessary files, including:

  • Temporary files
  • Internet cache files
  • Downloaded program files
  • Recycle Bin files
  • Windows log files
  • Old installation files
  • System error files

You can also use the cleanmgr command to schedule disk cleanup tasks. To do this, open the Task Scheduler and create a new task. In the task scheduler, select the “Run with highest privileges” option and enter the following command in the “Action” field:

cleanmgr /sageset:n

Where n is a number between 1 and 65535. This will create a new disk cleanup task that will run when the system is idle.


Idle in computer means that the computer is not being used. This can happen when the user is away from the computer, or when the computer is not running any programs.



The CMD command title is used to change the title of the Command Prompt window. This can be useful for identifying different Command Prompt windows, or for making the Command Prompt window more visible.

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